If you believe you are eligible for a corporate or any other type of discount, please sign up at your local branch.
Name | Joining Fee | Recurring | |
$ 0.00 | FREE | |
Membership for an individual between the ages of 31 - 61.
"label": "Adults",
"max": 1,
"min_age": 31,
"max_age": 61
"label": "Seniors",
"max": 0,
"min_age": 62,
"max_age": 107
"label": "Dependent",
"max": 0,
"min_age": 0,
"max_age": 25
$ 43.00 | $ 43.00 / monthly | |
Membership for two (2) adults with the same address on PA driver's license and legally dependent children (ages 25 and under) in the same household.
"label": "Dependent",
"max": 10,
"min_age": 0,
"max_age": 25
"label": "Adults",
"max": 4,
"min_age": 26,
"max_age": 99
$ 66.50 | $ 66.50 / monthly | |
"label": null,
"max": 1,
"min_age": null,
"max_age": null
$ 0.00 | FREE | |
Membership for up to three adults with the same address on their PA Driver's License and legally dependent children (ages 25 and under). YMCA programs are also included in this membership.
"label": "Adults",
"max": 3,
"min_age": 26,
"max_age": 99
"label": "Dependent",
"max": 10,
"min_age": null,
"max_age": 25
$ 72.00 | $ 72.00 / monthly | |
Senior Citizen
An individual 62 years of age and older.
"label": "Seniors",
"max": 1,
"min_age": 62,
"max_age": 99
$ 34.25 | $ 34.25 / monthly | |
Senior Citizen Family
2 adults (with the same address on PA driver's license) where at least one is 62 years of age or older and any legally dependent children (ages 25 and under) in the same household.
"label": "Seniors",
"max": 2,
"min_age": 62,
"max_age": 99
"label": "Adults",
"max": 2,
"min_age": 25,
"max_age": 61
"label": "Dependent",
"max": 10,
"min_age": 1,
"max_age": 25
$ 54.00 | $ 54.00 / monthly | |
Silver & Active Fit / Active & Fit / Active & Fit Now / Active & Fit Direct
"label": null,
"max": 1,
"min_age": null,
"max_age": null
$ 0.00 | FREE | |
Silver Sneaker
$ 0.00 | FREE | |
Single Parent Family
1 adult with legally dependent children (ages 25 and under) in the same household.
"label": "Adults",
"max": 1,
"min_age": 26,
"max_age": 61
"label": "Dependent",
"max": 10,
"min_age": 0,
"max_age": 25
"label": "Seniors",
"max": 0,
"min_age": 62,
"max_age": 99
$ 57.75 | $ 57.75 / monthly | |
Young Adult
Membership for an individual between the ages of 18 - 30.
"label": "",
"max": 1,
"min_age": 18,
"max_age": 30
$ 26.00 | $ 26.00 / monthly | |
Individuals 14 - 17 years of age.
"label": "Dependent",
"max": 1,
"min_age": 14,
"max_age": 17
$ 16.00 | $ 16.00 / monthly |